The Raindrop Technique Massage

The raindrop technique is a procedure of applying essential oils of therapeutic class on the legs, back, and spine. This is a form of aromatherapy. Raindrop includes certain concepts, including a special form of massage called "feather stroking", which is similar to a massage technique called "leakage". Another aspect of the raindrop is the Vita Flex, a therapeutic maneuver adapted to oriental acupuncture, acupressure and reflexology. The term "Vita Flex", meaning "life force through reflexes", was coined by Stanley Burroughs, who studied oriental medicine and brought this technique to the West. During parts of the raindrop procedure, therapeutic-level essential oils are dumped clean (undiluted) onto the back along the spine from a height of approximately six inches. The technique of raindrop, made with essential oils of non-therapeutic class, is not a true idea of the method. The theory of discharging oils in this way is that...